Who is Vasuki?

Vasuki is the serpent king that coils around the neck of Lord Shiva. Vasuki, the son of Kashyap and Kadru is the most powerful snake and an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva.

As per Vishnu Purana, during the time of Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean), a holy exercise performed by Devas and Auras together to bring back prosperity in the world, Vasuki played a pivotal role. With Mandar mountain as the churning rod and Vasuki as the churning rope, Devas and Asuras churned the ocean together to attain prosperity, strength, and vitality back. Varied ornaments, treasures, scriptures, Goddess, and Supernatural animals were the outcome of the Samudra Manthan. But the most revered ones were Amrita (Elixir of immortality) and Halahala (Deadly poison).

Lord Shiva, the Neelkanth drank the deadly poison and saved the world from doom. Impressed by selfless devotion of Vasuki, Lord Shiva decided to wear Vasuki around his neck. The serpent king beautifies Lord Shiva with his presence. It also symbolizes the awakened Kundalini power of the Muladhara chakra. The three coils of the snake represent the cycle of life in terms of time namely the past, present and the future.

During Samudra Manthan Devas and Asuras came together to achieve common goal by churning the vast ocean and choosing what’s best for them while leaving that wasn’t.

Similarly, we at Vasuki strive to balance both the positives and negatives in the market and harmonize our efforts to get the best value for our investors.